My heart and I agree that you’re the only one for me.
My heart and I agree that you’re the only one for me.
Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children, and not for the education of all adults of every age?
There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.
You’ve got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing.
I have always argued that change becomes stressful and overwhelming only when you’ve lost any sense of the constancy of your life. You need firm ground to stand on. From there, you can deal with that change.
Never trust the man who tells you all his troubles but keeps from you all his joys.
The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.
To a quick question, give a slow answer.
I love a man who can wear my underwear.
Love is an attempt at penetrating another being, but it can only succeed if the surrender is mutual.